Monday, September 8, 2014

July 28th

My heart is just exploding with happiness today!
This week was INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!
The help kept coming all week long for our sweet Regina, single mom.
She was just floored with the love from the ward and that helped that she could open her heart to the Holy Ghost to receive a sure answer that this is the true church. During the week we had several Family Nights, ward activities and lessons to help her prepare for baptism. She was SOOO ready!
Her son, Ismael, is SUPER smart. He just studies the index of the scriptures for his free time and has already read almost all of the Book of Mormon. He´s EIGHT.
On Sunday, he literally danced up and down the hallyway in the church chanting "I`M GOING TO BE BAPTIZED, TODAY! I`M GOING TO BE BAPTIZED, TODAY!"
That night the turnout was HUGE! There wasn´t even standing room.
The baptism itself was so special. Regina left the water just sobbing, literally sobbing of happiness.
 Everyone loves this family so much! The Young Women sang, the Primary did a special musical number, the Relief Society and Primary presidents spoke, the bishop spoke and presented her new home teachers to her on the spot. It was perfect.
The most special part was when a man got up and bore testimony that she didn´t even know. He was the man who gave her name to us as a referral. He spoke about how he was on his motorcycle and saw us and had the impression that he needed to give the name of one of his clients to us.He ignored it but it came again so he turned around and stopped us in the street. We had written down his phone number because he lives far away and we called him during the week and told him that his referral and her son would be baptized.
 This whole story was amazing from our side but it was even more special for Regina to hear this the first time the day of her baptism. Heavenly Father knew she was ready!
My invitation for all of you is more of a pleading. PLEASE do not ever ignore the promptings of the spirit! If this brother had not headed his prompting, Regina and Ismael would have not learned of the Restored Gospel. The Lord IS preparing people to receive his truth. He´s counting on you, members of His church to help him.
Listen to the spirit!
I know this is His work, not the members´, not the missionaries´, it´s His.
Listen to His spririt and He will help you do it.
I love you!
Sister Brown

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