Monday, June 23, 2014

June 9

I´m sorry that I didn´t have time to respond to you all personally today! I was a week full of huge happenings! I had about 40 emails to read.
This week was great! I LOVE my companion! She is perfect!
She´s from Portland. (Does my oregon family know any Zellers from the Portland stake?) I love her so much! She´s sicker than me. I´m starting to get better. We´re being really careful with our health and being monitored by doctors so dont start gettin all worried.
Despite the several days we spent passing through the hospital we preached the gospel to everyone we could get our hands on! It was a ton of fun haha. We taught the Restauration a solid 3 time and talked with literally everyone about the restored gospel. Sick in the hospital but still swinging!
We also had a few spiritual experiences in the few lessons we taught. We met and taught a new family. We started teaching this young couple and they are super elect! We marked a baptism date with them and a bunch of other people.
I´m happy and getting healthy.
Kels, people can be ugly. You deserve the best.
Mommy, Mimi, Daddy, Thanks dor everything and the messages. Yay for mommy and your missioanry experiences! You are amazing and I love you alllllL!!!!
East, Welcome home.
Love from Brasil,
Sister Brown

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